Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Estate Sale in Hayward April 12-14

We are pleased to announce a unique Estate Sale in the Hayward Hills, this weekend. The estate includes a remarkable assembly of antique toys, dolls, clocks and other collectibles, garden ornaments from every era, and massive quantities of tools and associated garage items. Come enjoy the sound of frogs in the pond and sheep in the pasture, while checking out all this cool stuff, in a part of Hayward you might never have seen or imagined.

The sale dates are:
April 12-14, Friday/Saturday/Sunday
10AM-4PM each day

The sale address is
24089  Madeiros Avenue, Hayward

This is a cash only sale.

Please be considerate of neighbor driveways and narrow sections of the dead end street when you park. Parking should not be difficult except in the busier sale times, Friday and Saturday mornings. The street has some slope to it.

The house is a split level, with a few steps up to the entry, and several steps down to a lower room. The garage is accessible without steps, but is fairly congested. The house and garage have separate entries. We will have separate cashier stations for each, and areas where purchased garage items can be held for you, while you shop the house. The garden ornaments are mostly assembled on the back decks, which are accessed via the house.

Please be considerate of family members living in the house, and family members in the adjacent property, if you arrive early on any of the sale days.

The house contents include:
antique toys, dolls, and clocks
assortment of American and English ceramics
antique bar ware, corkscrews & bottle stoppers
19th century country style furniture
framed prints
Of special interest: paper mache French Bulldog from 1890, Frankart Lamp from 1930, De Laval  Cream Separator tin sign from 1905,

Fine, silver, and costume jewelry will be offered on Saturday & Sunday only.

The garage contents include:
1991 Ford F150 XLT Lariat w/ 58k miles
power tools
air tools
old hand tools
enormous quantity of hardware
brass & copper fittings
wooden jockey statue
fishing & golf stuff
(Bring gloves & your favorite strong nephew)

The outdoor items include:
antique farm equipment
garden ornaments
outdoor furniture
bird cages
bird houses
gas cannisters
old fire hydrant, and more

The photos are organized into three groups: house, garage, outdoors. Our talented and stalwart staffers transformed a chaotic jumble in the garage into an organized and shop-able setup. The first three garage photos show the garage contents "before" their work.

Household Items

Garage Items

Outdoor Items


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