Sale address is:
32 Neva Court, Oakland
July 10, 11, & 12
10-5 all days
Friday Only - Garage opens early: 8:30AM-10AM
This is a CASH ONLY sale.
Staff will be on premises during the day for setup, and in the evening for security. Monitored alarm system, attentive neighbors, locked cases for valuables during the sale, and alert veteran staff members. The family is living in their home during the sale, so please respect their privacy if you arrive early on Friday morning.
Additional photos have been added to all categories, and one new category was added: kitchen wares. Garage photos are now quite comprehensive, so you can decide if you want to come for the early opening of the garage on Friday. Jewelry photos are now included.
Photos below are grouped into the following categories:
Furniture, Art, Decoratives
Books, Records, Stereo Equipment
Garden Furniture, Pots, Plants, Garden Art
Fabric Art, Fabric, Yarn
Clothing, Shoes, Handbags
Kitchen Wares
Garage Items
Furniture, Art, Decoratives
Books, Records
Garden Furniture, Pots, Plants, Garden Art
Fabric Art, Fabric, Yarn
Jewelry - Fine, Silver & Costume
Clothing, Shoes, Handbags
Kitchen Wares
Garage Items
What will happen to the items not sold? I was there Sunday and there were some items in wanted but didnt have the cash on me.